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N6 Galway City Ring Road Documents

The decisions of An Bord Pleanála dated 6 December 2021 granting approval for the N6 Galway City Ring Road have been quashed, and the applications for approval of the N6 Galway City Ring Road have been remitted to An Bord Pleanála, such remittal taking effect from the point in time immediately after the submission of the Inspector’s Report.

In December 2021 An Bord Pleanála approved (with conditions and modifications) the N6 Galway City Ring Road.  This was welcomed by Galway County Council, Galway City Council, and Transport Infrastructure Ireland.  Three sets of proceedings were taken challenging the decisions of An Bord Pleanála approving the N6 GCRR, and in January 2023 the High Court made final orders in those 3 sets of proceedings quashing the decisions of An Bord Pleanála, and remitting the applications for approval of the N6 GCRR to An Bord Pleanála, such remittal taking effect from the point in time immediately after the submission of the Inspector’s Report.  A Further Information Request is anticipated from An Bord Pleanála and Galway County Council will respond as thoroughly and quickly as possible to any such request.  Galway County Council, Galway City Council and Transport Infrastructure Ireland remain committed to the delivery of the N6 GCRR and welcomes the opportunity to engage with An Bord Pleanála further on this project.

Links to the orders made by the High Court:

Order – Friends of the Irish Environment JR

Order – Galway Race Committee JR

Order – Brooks Timber and Building Supplies Ltd JR

Inspectors Report ABP-302848-18 and ANP-302885-18
Inspectors Report Appendix 4, Appendix 5 and Appendix 6
Protected Road Scheme Schedules 4 November 2020
Motorway Scheme Schedules 4 November 2020
Protected Road Scheme Deposit Maps 4 November 2020
Motorway Scheme Deposit Maps 4 November 2020
Schedule of Environmental Commitments 4 November 2020


Link to An Bord Pleanála website – Case reference: HA07.302848 Galway

N6 Galway City Ring Road Proposed Road Development (EIAR/NIS)


Link to An Bord Pleanála website – Case reference: MA07.302885 Galway

N6 Galway City Ring Road Motorway Scheme 2018 and Protected Road Scheme 2018


The Oral Hearing for the N6 GCRR concluded on Wednesday 4th November 2020


Oral Hearing Documents


Request for Further Information Response 30th August 2019

Newspaper Notice

N6 Galway City Ring Road Motorway Scheme 2018 (MS)

N6 Galway City Ring Road Protected Road Scheme 2018 (PRS)

Environmental Impact Assessment Report

Figures Volume 3
1.1 Overall Location Plan
5.1.01 - 5.1.15 Proposed Road Development Plan Layout
5.2.01 - 5.2.11 Proposed Design Geometry 
5.3.01 - 5.3.21 Proposed Road Development Plan & Profile 
5.4.01 - 5.4.15 Road Lighting Columns and Brackets Location
7.001 - 7.002 Proposed Site Compounds & Haul Routes Overall Plan
7.101 - 7.124 Proposed Site Compounds & Haul Routes
7.201 &  7.202 Potential Blasting Locations During Construction
7.301 & 7.302 Proposed Material Deposition Areas Ecological Habitat Survey Site Locations
8.2.1 Rare and or Protected Plant Species Locations
8.3.1 - 8.3.15 Mammal Survey Study Area and Results
8.4.1 & 8.4.2 Bat Surveys Methodology
8.5.1  White - clawed Crayfish, Freshwater pearl mussel and Vertigo species Surveys Marsh Fritillary Survey Sites (2014 and 2015) and Results (2013, 2014 and 2015)
8.6.3 - 8.6.8 Marsh Fritillary Survey Sites and Results
8.7.1 - 8.7.15 Breeding Bird Survey Results
8.8.1 Barn Owl Survey Results and Raptor Records
8.9.1 Winter Bird Survey Sites
8.10.1 - 8.10.8 Amphibian & Reptile Survey Sites and Results
8.11.1 Fisheries and Q-Sampling Survey Sites
8.12.1 European Sites within 15km
8.13.1 Nationally Designated Sites within 15km
8.14.1 - 8.14.15 Habitat Survey Results – Fossitt (2000) Habitat Classifications
8.15.1 - 8.15.15 Habitat Survey Results – Annex 1 Habitat Types & Invasive Plant Species
8.16.1 - 8.16.15 Bat Survey – Tree Survey Results
8.17.1  Bat Survey – Buildings Surveyed
8.18.1 Bat Survey Results – Lesser Horseshoe Bat
8.19.1 Bat Survey Results – Whiskered Bat, Natterer’s Bat, Daubenton’s Bat & Leisler ‘s Bat
8.20.1 Bat Survey Results – Brown Long-eared Bat, Nathusius’ Pipistrelle, Myotis Species
8.21.1 Bat Survey Results –Common Pipistrelle, Soprano Pipistrelle & Unidentified Pipistrelle Species
8.22.1 Static Bat Detector Locations
8.23.1 - 8.23.15 Biodiversity (excluding Bats) Mitigation
8.24.1 - 8.24.15 Bat Mitigation
9.1.0019.1.002 Quaternary Geology Overview
9.1.101 - 9.1.115 Quaternary Geology Mapping
9.2.0019.2.002 Soil Drainage Overview
9.2.101 - 9.2.115 Soil Drainage Mapping
9.3.001 &   9.3.002 National Soils Overview
9.3.101 - 9.3.115 National Soils Mapping
9.4.001 to 9.4.002 Subsoils Geology Overview
9.4.101 - 9.4.115 Subsoils Geology Overview 
9.5.0019.5.002 Solid Geology Overview
9.5.101 - 9.5.115 Solid Geology Mapping
9.6.0019.6.002 Mineral and Aggregate Overview
9.6.101 - 9.6.115 Mineral and Aggregate
9.7.0019.7.002 Soft, Unstable, Contaminated & Geological Heritage Overview
9.7.101 - 9.7.115 Soft, Unstable, Contaminated & Geological Heritage Mapping
9.8.001 - 9.8.012 Ground Investigation Plan & Profile
9.9.001 & 9.9.002 Ground Investigation Overview
10.1.001 & 10.1.002 Bedrock Aquifer Classification (GSI) with Karst Features
10.2.001 & 10.2.002 Groundwater Bodies (GSI)
10.3.00110.3.002 Groundwater Vulnerability (GSI) Existing Environment
10.4.001 & 10.4.002 Recharge Coefficient (GSI) Existing Environment
10.5.001 &  10.5.002 Groundwater Receptors
10.6.001 - 10.6.012 Hydrogeology Plan & Profile
10.7.101 - 10.7.115 Construction Zone of Influence (ZoI)
10.8.101 - 10.8.115 Operation Zone of Influence (ZoI)
11.1.001 & 11.1.002 Hydrology Overview - Drainage Catchments
11.2.001 &  11.2.002 Flood Risk Mapping - Pluvial & Groundwater Overview
11.2.101 - 11.2.115 Flood Risk Mapping - Pluvial & Groundwater
11.3.00111.3.002 Flood Risk Mapping - Fluvial & Coastal Overview
11.3.101 - 11.3.115 Flood Risk Mapping - Fluvial & Coastal
11.4.00111.4.002 Flood Risk Mapping – Galway City Council Flood Zones
11.4.101 - 11.4.115 Flood Risk Mapping – Galway City Council Flood Zones
11.5.01 - 11.5.02 Proposed Drainage Network Plan Layout Overall Plan
11.5.101 - 11.5.115 Proposed Road Development Plan Layout and Drainage Network
11.6.001 Proposed Flood Relief Measures N83 Tuam Road Junction Plan & Longitudinal Section
12.1.01 - 12.1.15 Landscape and Visual Potential Impacts and Proposed Mitigation Measures
12.2.01 - 12.2.02 Landscape and Visual Assessment – Landscape Character Overview
12.3.01 - 12.3.02 Landscape and Visual Assessment – Landscape Planning Aspect
13.1.01 - 13.1.15 Archaeology, Architectural & Cultural Heritage
14.1.01 - 14.1.15 Material Assets - Agriculture and Non-Agriculture
15.1.01 - 15.1.15 Services ESB 38kV & 110kV
15.2.01 - 15.2.05 Services Gas Networks
15.3.01 - 15.3.15 Material Assets Non-Agriculture Demolitions & Acquisitions
15.4.01 & 15.4.02 Development plan Zonings
16.1.01 - 16.1.07 Air Quality Receptors Locations
17.1.01 - 17.1.15 Noise Monitoring and Mitigation Locations
18.1.001 & 18.1.002 Human Beings, Population and Human Health Overview
18.1.101 - 115 Human Beings, Population and Human Health
  • Volume 4 – Appendices‌
  Appendices  Volume 4 
  Public Consultation No.1 A.1.1
  Public Consultation No.2 A.1.2
  Public Consultation No.3 A 1 3
  Tunnel Services Buildings Detail A.5.1
  Phase 3 Traffic Modelling Report A.6.1
  A.6.1. Appendix A WRM Road Model Development Report A.6.1_Appendix A
  Phase 3 Design - Cost Benefit Analysis Report A.6.2
  River Corrib Bridge Constructability Examination A.7.1
  Menlough Viaduct Constructability Examination A.7.2
  Lackagh Tunnel Geotechnical and Hydrogeological Appraisal A.7.3
  Galway Racecourse Tunnel Constructability Report A.7.4
  Construction Environmental Management Plan A.7.5
  Ecology Field Survey Methodologies A.8.1
  Consultation Responses A.8.2
  Galway City Transport Project: Report on the presence of Annex I habitat *7220  Petrifying springs with tufa formation (O’Neill & Barron, 2015) A.8.3
  Galway City Transport Project - Assessment of Annex I habitats in the Ballygarraun survey area (Perrin, 2014) A.8.4
  Galway City Transport Project - Habitat mapping and assessment of a section of Lough Corrib cSAC and surrounding areas (Barron et al., 2017) A.8.5
  Summary of the Fossitt Habitat Classification - from p.14 of A Guide to Habitats in Ireland (Fossitt, 2000) A.8.6
  Galway Bat Radio-tracking Project - Bat Radio-tracking surveys. Radio-tracking studies of lesser horseshoe and vesper bat species, August and September 2014 (Rush & Billington, 2014) A.8.7
  Galway City Transport Project - Bat Acoustic Surveys: Summer-Autumn 2014 (Geckoella Ltd., 2015a) A.8.8
  N6 Galway City Transport Project - Bat Radio-tracking and Roost Surveys 19th to 29th August 2014 (Geckoella Ltd., 2015b) A.8.9
  Galway bat radio-tracking project. Radio tracking studies of lesser horseshoe bat species, May 2015 (Rush & Billington, 2015) A.8.10
  A Survey of Selected Rivers for the Galway City Transport Project with Potential for Margaritifera (Moorkens, 2014a) A.8.11
  Molluscan Survey Results A.8.12
  N6 Galway City Transport Project Marsh Fritillary Survey Summary Report - 2014 (Woodrow Sustainable Solutions Ltd., 2015) A.8.13
  Marsh Fritillary Survey Report (Barron et al., 2013) A.8.14
  The status of Barn Owls within the study area for the proposed N6 Galway City Ring Road A.8.15 
  The occupancy and breeding status of Peregrine falcon in quarries within the survey area for the proposed N6 Galway City Ring Road  A.8.16
  Fisheries Assessment for the N6 Galway City Transport Project (Triturus Environmental Services Ltd., 2018) A.8.17
  Desk Study A.8.18
  Habitat Survey Results - Species Lists A.8.19
  Results of Aquatic Habitat Surveys A.8.20
  Lackagh Quarry Petrifying Spring Survey Results A.8.21
  Breeding Bird Survey Results A.8.22
  Wintering Bird Survey Results A.8.23
  Badger Sett Mitigation during Construction A.8.24
  Bat Derogation Licence Application A.8.25
  Compensatory Habitat Management Plans A.8.26
  Ground Investigation Reports – Part 1 A.9.1a
  Ground Investigation Reports – Part 2 A.9.1b
  Ground Investigation Reports – Part 3 A.9.2c
  Well Commissioning Report A.10.1
  Karst Survey Report A.10.2
  Water Level Monitoring Database A.10.3
  Groundwater Quality Monitoring Report A.10.4
  Aquifer Tests Report A.10.5
  Hydraulic Calculations A.10.6
  HD45 Assessment A.10.7
  Flood Risk Assessment Study A.11.1
  Water Quality Monitoring of Selected Surface Waters for the N6 Galway City Ring Road Project A.11.2
  Visual Impact Schedule A.12.1
  River Corrib Bridge Photomontages A.12.2
  Photomontages - Key Locations A.12.3
  Archaeological and Historical Background A.13.1
  Recorded Monuments within the Receiving Environment A.13.2
  Stray Find from within the Receiving Environment A.13.3
  Protected Structure & NIAH Structures within the Receiving Environment A.13.4
  Detailed Landscapes A.13.5
  Detailed Field Inspection Results A.13.6
  Detailed Field Inspection Results Plates A.13.7
  Legislative Framework Protecting the Archaeological Resource A.13.8
  Legislative Framework Protecting the Architectural Resource A.13.9
  Impact Assessment and the Cultural Heritage Resource A.13.10
  Mitigation Measures and the Cultural Heritage Resource A.13.11
  Geophysical Survey Report A.13.12
  Summary of Individual Farm Impacts A.14.1
  NUIG Sports Facilities Mitigation Proposals A.15.1
  Galway Racecourse Stables Mitigation Proposals A.15.2
  110kV Diversion Details A.15.3
  Galway City Ambient Air Quality February - May 2017 A.16.1
  Baseline Noise Survey Results A.17.1
  Construction Noise & Vibration Mitigation A.17.2
  Calculated Road Traffic Noise Levels A.17.3
  Health Profile 2015 Galway City A.18.1
  Health Profile 2015 Galway County A.18.2


Provision of Information for Appropriate Assessment Screening


Natura Impact Assessment Statement

Figures Volume 3
1.1 - 1.15 Proposed Road Development Plan Layout
2.1 - 2.15 Proposed Road Development Plan Layout and Drainage Network
3.1 - 3.2 Proposed Site Compounds & Haul Routes Overall Plan
4.1 Ecological Habitat Survey Site Locations Sheet 1 of 2
4.2 Ecological Habitat Survey Site Locations Sheet 2 of 2
5 Hamatocaulis vernicosus Survey Sites & Results
6 Otter Survey Results
7 White-clawed crayfish Survey Sites
8.1 Breeding Bird Survey Results Sheet 1 of 2
8.2 Breeding Bird Survey Results Sheet 2 of 2
9 Winter Bird Survey Sites
10.1.1 Revised groundwater bodies (2017) and European sites Sheet 1 of 2
10.1.2 Revised groundwater bodies (2017) and European sites Sheet 2 of 2
10.2.1 Hydrogeological ZoI (drawdown and potential pollution) Sheet 1 of 2
10.2.2 Hydrogeological ZoI (drawdown and potential pollution) Sheet 2 of 2
10.3.1 Ross Lake GWB Construction Hydrogeological premitigation ZoI Sheet 1 of 8
10.3.2 Ross Lake GWB Operational Hydrogeological premitigation ZoI Sheet 2 of 8
10.3.3 GWDTE Lough Corrib Fen 1 GWB Construction Hydrogeological premitigation ZoI Sheet 3 of 8
10.3.4 GWDTE Lough Corrib Fen 1 GWB Operational Hydrogeological premitigation ZoI Sheet 4 of 8
10.3.5 GWDTE Lough Corrib Fen 2 GWB Construction Hydrogeological premitigation ZoI Sheet 5 of 8
10.3.6 GWDTE Lough Corrib Fen 2 GWB Operational Hydrogeological premitigation ZoI Sheet 6 of 8
10.3.7 Clare - Corrib (Terryland) GWB Construction Hydrogeological premitigation ZoI Sheet 7 of 8
10.3.8 Clare - Corrib (Terryland) GWB Operational Hydrogeological premitigation ZoI Sheet 8 of 8
11.1 Hydrology Overview – Drainage Catchments
11.2 Hydrology Overview – Drainage Catchments
12 The proposed Road Development and European Sites
13.1 Habitat Survey Results – Proposed River Corrib Bridge (Fossitt habitat classifications)
13.2 Habitat Survey Results – Proposed Drainage Outfall N59 Link Road (Fossitt habitat classifications)
13.3 Habitat Survey Results – Menlough/Coolagh Lakes (Fossitt habitat classifications)
13.4 Habitat Survey Results – Lackagh Tunnel (Fossitt habitat classifications)
13.5 Habitat Survey Results – Lackagh Tunnel ‘Insert A’ (Fossitt habitat Classification)
14.1 Habitat Survey Results – Proposed River Corrib Bridge (Annex I habitat classifications)
14.2 Habitat Survey Results – Proposed Road Drainage Outfall – N59 Link Road (Annex I habitat classifications)
14.3 Habitat Survey Results – Menlough/Coolagh Lakes (Annex I habitat classifications)
14.4 Habitat Survey Results – Lackagh Tunnel (Annex I habitat classifications)
14.5 Habitat Survey Results – Lackagh Tunnel (Annex I habitat classifications)
15.1 Habitat Area Reference Codes and Retained areas of habitat in Lough Corrib cSAC
15.2 Habitat Area Reference Codes and Retained areas of habitat in Lough Corrib cSAC
15.3 Habitat Area Reference Codes and Retained habitat areas in Lough Corrib cSAC
15.4 Habitat Survey Results – Lackagh Tunnel (Annex I habitat classifications)
15.5 Habitat Survey Results – Lackagh Tunnel (Annex I habitat classifications)
16 European sites within the Zol of the proposed road development
  •  Volume 4 - Appendices
NIS Appendix A Hydrogeology
NIS Appendix B Hydrology Assessment
NIS Appendix C CEMP
NIS Appendix D River Corrib Bridge Construction
NIS Appendix E Menlough Viaduct Construction
NIS Appendix F Lackagh Tunnel Geo and Hydro Appraisal
NIS Appendix G Lough Corrib cSAC Habitat Surveys
NIS Appendix H Breeding Bird Survey Results
NIS Appendix I Winter Bird Survey Results
NIS Appendix J Fisheries Survey
NIS Appendix K Aquatic habitat survey results
NIS Appendix L Air Quality Assessment Report
NIS Appendix M Shading Analysis Report
NIS Appendix N Sample Site Specific Conservation Objectives for Lough Corrib SPA
NIS Appendix O Plan Level Environmental Protection Policies